Lauren Moya Ford | SABINE FINKENAUER'S SPRING text for the exhibition "MAILED" Alzueta Gallery, May 2024 |
english | ||
David Moran | Texto para la exposición "BOBA" Alegria Gallery, November 2022 |
spanish | english | |
Elena Blasco | LA EQUILIBRISTA SOBRE EL FILO DE UNA GEOMETRÍA TIERNA text for the exhibition at "Studio Fotokino" Exhibition at Studio Fotokino, June 2021 |
spanish | french | |
Juan Manuel Bonet Alfonso de la Torre |
SABINE FINKENAUER: FORTALEZA DE LA VOZ BAJA text for the exhibition "UN LUGAR INVENTADO / AN INVENTED PLACE" Intervention in a showcase of El Corte Inglés during the ARCO'19 fair, febrero 2019 |
spanish | ||
Enrique Andrés Ruiz | QUÉ ES, EN PINTURA, LA POESÍA text for the exhibition "#flora" Rafael Pérez Hernando Gallery El País - Babelia, 5th Nobember 2019 |
spanish | ||
María Fernanda Mancera | CIRCULAR text for the exhibition "Circular" Galería Nueveochenta, Bogotá, August 2018 |
spanish | ||
Joaquín Escuder | EL JARDÍN DURMIENTE DE SABINE FINKENAUER text for a conference at the University of Lisbon Lisbon, 26th January 2017 |
spanish | ||
Àlex Mitrani | CERCLE, CARRÉ ET AUTRES ESPACES text for the catalogue Centre d'Études Catalanes, Paris, March 2015 |
catalan | french | |
Àlex Mitrani | ORIGAMI PLASTIC AND MENTAL La Vanguardia, Cultura/s nº 498 January 4th 2012 |
catalan | spanish | |
Óscar Alonso Molina | MÁS ALLÁ DE AQUÍ text for the catalogue 2-Dimensional Sculpture, galeria MasArt, October 2011 |
spanish | english | |
Juan Bufill | SABINE FINKENAUER Y SUS PINTURAS EN TRES DIMENSIONES La Vanguardia, December 5th 2011 |
spanish | ||
spanish | ||
Àlex Mitrani | EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE: THE PLASTIC OPTIMISM OF SABINE FINKENAUER text for the catalogue Drawing Objects, galeria MasArt, May 2008 |
catalan | spanish | english |
Óscar Alonso Molina | DANDO EL ESTIRÓN ABC, March 29th 2008 |
spanish | ||
Sabine Finkenauer | ARTIST STATEMENT FOR THE NY DRAWING CENTER text for the exhibition Non - Declarative Drawing in the Drawing Center, New York, September 2007 |
spanish | english | |
Andreas Bee | ON THE PLEASANT OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE US TURN OUR HEADS text for the exhibition catalogue ANIMA, Städtische Galerie Villingen - Schwenningen, February 2007 |
deutsch | english | |
Àlex Mitrani | MOBILIARIO ANIMADO text for the exhibiton OPEN HOUSE, galería MasArt, Barcelona, September 2005 |
spanish | ||
Àlex Mitrani | LA PERSISTENCIA DE LA METÁFORA: UNA NIÑA-FLOR DE SABINE FINKENAUER review MATÈRIA, Mirades, Miratges, 2003-2004, edited by the Dep. de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Barcelona |
catalan | spanish | |
Juan Bufill | DE NIÑAS Y FLORES text publicated in the catalogue of the exhibition DE NINAS Y FLORES, galería Esther Montoriol, Barcelona, June 2002 |
spanish | english | deutsch |